Wednesday 7 December 2011

Further Evidence that The Bride is Heavenly Mother(Ahnsahnghong,God the Mother,World Mission Society Church of God,Heavenly Mother)

Further Evidence that The Bride is Heavenly Mother

World Mission Society Church of God believes in God the Mother and preach Her to the whole world because The Bible testifies about God the Mother.
The all saints of World Mission Society church of God are elohists to preach God the Father and Mother and to send a warm heart of God. (

As we see Jesus spoke a parable 2,000 years ago comparing the Kingdom of Heaven to a Wedding Banquet.

Then in order to understand about the Kingdom of Heaven we have to understand about a wedding banquet. When Christ spoke this parable in Matthew 22 He mentioned many important factors within a wedding: Food, Guests, and Groom. We come to understand that the Food is the Passover Bread and Wine, the Guests are Christ disciples (Matthew 10:15), and the Groom is Christ. Yet, is that all that is needed for a wedding? Food, Guests, and the Groom? No, the most important one is the bride. But two-thousand years ago the bride neither appeared nor was mentioned.
However, in a wedding, when should the bride appear? At the end. Then, we see her appearance in the last days – Revelation 19:7 states that she is ready and Revelation 22:17 she and her groom (the Spirit) are inviting those who hear, to Their wedding. In the last days They are inviting the guests to participate in the wedding supper of the Lamb, in the Passover.
Then we need to listen to Their voice, so that we may receive Their invitation, because many are called, many are invited, but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14).


  1. In this age, we should be invited and chosen in a Heavenly wedding banquet to go to heaven.

  2. Through the bible we can know God the mother come from the bible and God taught us.
