Wednesday, 14 September 2011

How to know which church has false prophets(Christ Ahnsahnghong)

World Mission Society Church of God believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong and preach Him.
We can find out thefact that only The Second Coming Jesus can restored the gospel of the early church through the Bible.
According to the prophecies, Christ Ahnsahnghong restored the Truth of the life in this age.

Many people think false prophets are ones that speak something out of the norm. However, when we look at the words “false prophet” it means a person who falsely tells God’s word. In order to understand who is the false prophet, we need to know what is God’s word. The only place where God’s word is located is in the Bible.

Through three truths of the Bible we can see clearly who is a false prophet.

First, God designated a day of worship solely to God. On this day, God promises rest, blessings, holiness, and a sign. According to the norm, everyone keeps Sunday. Lets see through the Bible what is the day.

Genesis 2:2 ″By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.”

Exodus 20:8 ″Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. . . ”

God said to remember the seventh day. According to all resources, i.e. dictionary and calendar, the seventh day is Saturday. God has never changed this command. Jesus Christ kept the Sabbath (Luke 4:16), as well as his apostles (Acts 17:2; Acts 18:4).

The ones that preach Sunday is the correct day, are not teaching according to God’s word, but man’s tradition. Sunday is nowhere to be found in the Bible. Neither did Jesus nor the apostles change the day.

Second, God promised us eternal life so we may enter heaven. God gave us a way to receive eternal life before entering Heaven. Many teach to just believe, have faith, confess Jesus’ name, or to be a good person. We need an answer according to the word of God.

John 6:53 “Jesus said to them, ‘I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.’ ‘Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up in the last days.’”

Matthew 26:19 ”So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover.” Verse 26 “While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples saying, ‘Take and eat; this is my body.’ ‘Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying’ Drink from it, all of you.’ ‘This is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.’”

Jesus let us know that it is only through his flesh and blood we have guarenteed eternal life. The only time Jesus promised his body and blood was through the Passover. The ones who do not teach about Passover of the new covenant are not guiding the people according to God’s word. In the Bible, there is no such thing as Communion or Eucharist. In fact, Passover is only celebrated once a year not every week or whenever you feel like it. (Levitcus 23:4)

Lastly, who is God? According to the Scriptures, God has two images male and female. (Genesis 1:26-27) It is Elohim God that will save us and give eternal life in the last days.

Revelation 22:17 “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.”

The Church that does not teach about God the Father and God the Mother is not teaching the word of God. God created everything on this Earth male and female so all God’s people can understand God. Most people hear this fact, and because it is not part of the norm automatically reject it. We should not reject something that is not normal. All evidence is in the Bible, as well as in front of our face.

The World Mission Society Church of God, keeps the word of God and has True God Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother. (Galatians 4:26)

All thanks and praises belong to Elohim God!

1 comment:

  1. Without heavenly mother, we can`t receive the eternal life
    World Mission Society Church of God believes in God the mother.
